11 Ways & Signs In Which You Are Ruining Your Teeth

Have you ever thought about why your teeth aren’t well-maintained as you’d want them to be? You’re doing everything the dentist suggests – whether that’s brushing twice per day or attending regular visits to the dentist for dental check-ups. However, just brushing your teeth and flossing frequently isn’t enough! Here are 11 habits & signs that can ruin our teeth and prevent our teeth from appearing great!

1. Aerated DrinksYes soda.

Aerated drinks damage the tooth.

We’re sure you love your soda – we too! But, drinking aerated beverages could cause harm to your teeth. The citric and phosphoric acid in sodas can ruin the enamel-protecting teeth. Be aware of the amount of soda you consume. Too much of it can harm your teeth.

2. Grinding Teeth

We all grind our teeth in unpleasant or difficult situations. Do you realize that you can also grind your teeth during sleep? Grinding your teeth can alter the enamel, which could cause tooth decay.


3. Coffee

Good news for all people who are addicted to coffee! The acid in coffee causes tooth decay and can also play a role in discoloration! If you have an unnaturally yellowed tooth, even though you clean your teeth regularly, you know why!

4. Brushing Too Extremely

Eating candy could cause tooth cavity.

Too much brushing or brushing too hard causes more harmful than beneficial damage. It causes gum irritation and causes damage to teeth. Always use a soft brush and apply moderate pressure.

5. Utilizing Your Teeth As A Tool

All of us are guilty of doing this! In the majority of cases, when we cannot have a bottle opener in the vicinity and we’re tempted to take a bite out of the bottle. While biting into the cap’s hard metal cause damage to the enamel, you also run the risk of losing your tooth!

6. Candy

Mommy always was right! Candy is loaded with sugar which can lead to tooth decay and cavities. The hard candies, particularly those with a large sugar coating, speed up the decay process. They are also hard on teeth and may cause cracks in the enamel!

7. Oily Food

We’ve all experienced how difficult to resist a snack of chips. Always remember to clean your mouth after eating oily foods. If left unwashed, the oil can stick to your teeth, leading to tooth decay.

8. Chewing Ice Cubes

Chewing on ice cubes can damage the enamel.

Inhaling ice cubes could result in cracks in your tooth and a toothache. Ice can also harm your teeth and cause damage to the enamel, especially if you suffer from sensitive teeth.

9. Smoking

Smoking cigarettes is not a good idea. From discoloration to the development of dental cancer and discoloration, smoking cigarettes is hazardous for your teeth. If you want ideal, healthy teeth, it’s best to stop smoking.

10. Red Wine

Red wine is a source of chromogen. It’s the pigment that gives it its color. If you don’t wash your mouth following drinking red wine, chromogen may cause teeth discoloration. If you frequently drink drinks, the color can cause a permanent stain on the teeth.

11. Sporting without protective Gear

If you’re a sports lover and regularly play sports such as Cricket, Basketball, or Baseball, ensure that you wear safety equipment. Dental injuries are commonplace during these activities. There is no reason to be afraid of an extreme toothache and risk losing one tooth!

In addition to brushing your teeth daily, adhere to these practices to have a beautiful dental set!