7 natural ways to whiten your teeth at home (that don’t require a trip to the dentist)

Yellow teeth are not something everyone wants, but many people experience discoloration for a variety of reasons. According to WebMD, the most common causes of yellow teeth include foods and drinks, tobacco use, poor hygiene, normal aging, genetics, and medical conditions.

While some factors, such as genetics or medical conditions, can make it difficult to prevent discoloration, some natural treatments can whiten your teeth at home. Forget about an expensive visit to the dentist for whitening treatments. Try these home remedies.

1. charcoal
You probably didn’t expect to see it on the list! According to an article in Prevention magazine, activated charcoal is an excellent solution for removing stains from teeth. Simply brush your teeth with crushed activated charcoal and let its adhesive properties remove coffee, soda, and other stains from your teeth. Please note that this method can only remove stains and will not whiten naturally dark teeth. Additionally, the American Dental Association has not evaluated the safety of activated charcoal, and there are concerns that it may erode tooth enamel.

2. Use a straw
Constantly exposing your teeth to certain foods and drinks can deteriorate the enamel and make them more susceptible to stains. The Natural Society notes that using straws can help protect teeth from overexposure to stain-causing beverages like red wine, coffee, tea, and soda.

3. Banana peel
An article from SheKnows suggests that rubbing a banana peel on your teeth can help combat discoloration. Natural minerals like potassium and magnesium found in the fruit’s peel are supposed to strengthen and protect teeth.

4. Coconut oil
Everyday Roots notes that the natural lauric acid found in coconut oil helps fight bacteria that cause plaque buildup and tooth discoloration. Rinsing your mouth with coconut oil for 10 to 15 minutes, a process known as oil thinking, can also help promote gum health.

5. strawberry
Not only are strawberries a healthy snack, but they can also help protect teeth and promote whitening. Everyday Roots notes that vitamin C helps break down plaque and prevent discoloration. Strawberries also contain malic acid, which fights surface stains.

6. Dental floss
Flossing regularly can help remove bacteria and plaque that can cause discoloration. It is recommended to floss after each meal.

7. Baking soda and lemon
The combination of baking soda and lemon creates a chemical reaction that results in a wonderful teeth-whitening effect. According to the Natural Society, you should only brush your teeth with this solution once a week, because citric acid can erode tooth enamel.

Get the smile you’ve always wanted by trying these teeth-whitening treatments. Share with friends to help them too!