8 great superfoods to strengthen your teeth and prevent enamel erosion

Your smile can be the first impression that people get of your face. If you’d like to ensure that the pearly whites are healthy, you must take good care of your teeth. While regular flossing and brushing are vital, the foods you consume can affect the health of your mouth.
Superfoods benefit your body; however, you might not know the benefits they offer to your dental health. If you’re searching for extra protection, look at the foods you consume. Are you interested in learning more? Check out the following food items you can consume to maintain your teeth looking good!

1. Chocolate
Chocolate lovers from all over are delighted to find this list! Based on My Health Tips, dark chocolate is a great source of tooth health. Chocolate contains cocoa, and cocoa is a source of tannin. Tannin protects teeth from deterioration and also reduces gum inflammation. Another benefit is the fact that dark chocolates contain antioxidants which help to fight harmful bacteria that can cause harm to your mouth. Another reason is to consume more chocolate.

2. Celery
The crunchy crunch of celery is more than just an enjoyable snack. It can also benefit your teeth. The SymptomFinder shows that the celery fiber helps cleanse the teeth, while the long chewing duration also helps maintain healthy dental pH levels. What does this mean? Your enamel is secured from buildup from plaque.

3. Milk
Milk is a great food source for Vitamin D that promotes strong bones and teeth. The Top 10 Home Remedies suggest regular drinking can help repair enamel and keep your teeth healthy. Is lactose intolerant? Try Soymilk instead.

4. Apples
Apples are an excellent source of vitamins and are an excellent natural solution for teeth cleaning. My Health Tips describes apples as a natural remedy and suggests that the texture of the apples helps to scrub teeth. The article suggests eating an apple at the end of an eating meal to lessen the amount of food absorbed by the body.

5. Oranges
Home Remedies Care says that the vitamin and acids in oranges are a natural cleanser and flossing on your teeth. But, you must be careful not to let acid sit within your tooth for long since it can cause enamel erosion. Be sure to clean your teeth frequently to prevent this from happening.

6. Parsley
Parsley is a natural herb that can refresh your breath and stop the growth of bacteria from destroying the enamel of your teeth. Find recommends chewing parsley pieces instead of chewing gum to reap these advantages.

7. Cheese
Cheese helps neutralize the acid in your mouth, which helps protect your enamel from exposure to too much. According to the Top 10 Home remedies, you can consume one small portion of cheese at the end of dinner to avoid tooth decay.

8. Mushrooms
My Healthy Tips says that mushrooms are an excellent supply of Vitamin D and assist in taking in calcium, which helps strengthen teeth.

Are you interested in protecting your teeth? Take a look at these superfoods! Be sure you share your knowledge with your fellow friends.